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Making all things NEW (part 2)

If your reading this post you must have read part 1. Thank you so much for wanting to follow my story. This part is about the wilderness.

So I trusted God and moved to Texas even though there were a lot of uncertain things that happened before the move. It made me scared, no doubt but I knew in my soul I was being called to obediance despite what kind of fearful things were surrounding it. I believe my decision to act on that changed the whole course of my future. That one act of obedience was setting me up to finally receive all the desires of my heart I had longed for for 6 years at that point. Two months after I was starting to get settled into the town, my job and routine with my boyfriend, the relationship fell apart just like the rest of them had. It was shocking to be sitting there and know I just moved my whole life for this relationship and it just ended. I thought, how can this be the promise of Him making all things NEW in my life? It was in that time I felt God tell my heart, "Sit down kid and listen up. Were going to get some things strait." He started to whisper to me that this place was now my wilderness, very fitting for Texas, and if I wanted my promised land, I better start surrendering.

Wilderness? what does that mean? I dug into my bible and wanted to know more about the story of Moses and why God sent them to be in the wilderness for 40 years. What did they do when they were there? and please, if this is my wilderness, how do I get out?! I didn't like Texas and did not want to be there longer than I had to. That story taught me it was about surrender and trusting God completly, not just mostly like I had been doing. As I scraped along financially I leaned on God for everything I needed daily and grew closer to Him. My heart started to change and I was so unhappy and alone in Texas I wanted nothing more than to come home. It was me and Him and that's it. But that was one of important parts of this journey. He took me away so it could be that way, just like the bible story. The people wandered for years because they kept not trusting God even though He was taking care of them. I didn't want that to happen to me. So I totally surrendered my future to God.

I still wanted to be a wife. I didn't want to be single. I didn't like not knowing how many years it would be if ever that I would be married. But I did want to obey God more. I didn't want to be on a desperate search anymore always being let down. I wanted to come back home to Minnesota and be at peace. Now he can make ALL THINGS NEW right? At the end of 5 months there, which felt like years at times, He said I could come back and my mom came to rescue me.

Now begins my promised land and a flood of blessings.

Sorry friends, looks like I need a part 3. Remember I am summing up 7 -8 years of my life here. :)


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