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Making all things NEW (part 3)

Ok, part 3 of my story and I promise this is where the good stuff comes along!

I get back home to Minesota and am beginning to feel a sense of NEW-ness among the old familiar. I was blessed with a NEW roomate, my NEW business Live Laugh Sew was starting to take shape, I had a NEW heart that was more at peace than ever before and NEW dreams I wanted to pursue. I had a NEW level of trust and love for God and was ready for what He had for my future.

A little back story on a quirky thing in my life is that God always wove the number 4 & 7 into it. Through stories I would share with people I would hear myself say the word 4 and 7 all the time referring to years or months to events in my life. Both of those numbers refer biblically to something being COMPLETE. I was now in the 7th year since the break up with my first boyfriend and this journey of God being ENOUGH for me. The process of making all things NEW had begun in my heart right before I left Minnesota and now is about to start it's process of being complete. Little did I know, it would move fast & it was about time! ;)

I moved home to Minnesota in August 2011. November 2011 I met Bryan through some mutal friends we have. December 31st, we had our first date and February 22 2012 we got engaged! Yep, you saw that right, we dated for a month and a half and got engaged. Our engagement story will have to be a whole blog post in itself because it's pretty neat. It involves invisible daisies, roses & a swing! Then June 2, 2012 we got married, so 4 months after we got engaged, Theres that number 4 again. We bought a house right after we got engaged but didn't move into it until we were married. In fact we had our wedding in the living room! I bet you want to hear that story!

*The picture above is right after we got engaged and the one below of our wedding day.

Bryan is everything my heart desired including things I didn't even know I wanted. We are so perfectly matched we really balance eachother out. Through God, Bryan has given me all of my dreams and we are pursuing the biggest one together right now with adoption. Something we both felt called to do before we met. We have been marriend 3 1/2 years now and it has been the easiest and most rewarding years of my life.

Here's what was all made NEW since we have been married: Our NEW relationship, NEW house, NEW positions at work for both of us

A NEW & restored relationship with my dad

(I waited 13 years for that one), NEW dreams coming true like going to Hawaii. (our 1st Anniversary), dreams of being home more and growing my business, Our NEW niece that was born almost 2 years ago, our NEW journey of starting out adoption process and more to come! Excited about this journey we have been on and I am truely living in my promised land days! He has made all things NEW and I am constatnly reminded of that which is why I always capitalize NEW!!

Thanks for following my mini blog post series and may you all be blessed and have amazing opportunites in this NEW year of 2016!


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