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Hygge noun (hoo-ga)

Sick days force you to slow down. Sometimes we need that. My life really isn't that crazy busy although there are times throughout the year like most people where there are more commitments and activities happening. The last few days I have been under the weather. Nothing serious, just a sore throat and fighting some germ off, but it is enough that is making me feel like I have no energy and just want to curl up on the couch with my kitty Elsa. I have been binge watching Felicity on HULU and thoroughly enjoying it. However I decided to take a short break from TV and pick up a book I started this Summer. Present over Perfect by Shauna Niequist. When I started the book I was devouring it page by page as she was feeding my soul and mind with truth. Truth about her life. Truth about God. Truth about slowing down and being present even if everything is not perfect. Connecting with one another and not letting moments & life pass you by. Raw honesty about self, struggle and failure. Her story stirred something in me that I could not shake because I love her willingness to risk telling the these truths. A quality that I also have and believe in but so many people are afraid of. As I read a few more chapters today I felt that stirring again, my heart saying yes, yes, yes! and nearly highlighting the whole book turning it 70% yellow. I put the book down and went upstairs to take a hot bath and just breath. I added Epsom salts to the water and turned on my MUJI app that has some wonderful sounds that help with relaxation. I thought about her words that said, "I am creating quiet in our home" referring to simplifying life and clutter. I am in a constant battle with myself about de-cluttering and not bringing things home since I do love to shop. She says, "what I am leaving behind doesn't leave me empty; it leaves me full, powerful, purposed and stronger than I've ever been." Shauna is also talking about emotional baggage here. She asked a big question that I will chew on for a while. I am sure it will grow and morph as I figure it out but the question is: What do you need to burn down in your life, to make space for a NEW way of living? What do you need to clean up, clear out and remove to think, be still, breath and just be in this new year? What will allow you to be present more in your day to day life?

My phone dings with yet another e-mail but to my surprise it speaks to everything I have been reading! Lily & Val is a company that makes beautiful chalk inspirational drawings. She sent an e-mail with the word hygge. Pronounced

HOO-GA. It means, the Danish concept to describe the heart warming feeling that comes from taking pleasure in ordinary moments and making them meaningful, beautiful soothing and special. Coziness of the soul.

I have always had the ability to see life's beauty in the simplest things. I remember a time when I was in High School and I was with my mom in the kitchen. I cut open a peach that was perfect and beautiful. I remember telling her to look at how pretty it was and she gave me a look like, I don't get it. I remember feeling sad that she didn't understand it like I did and knowing that I never want to loose that ability. I think our lives would be richer and fuller if we don't let these moments pass us by, I think that is why I have always loved photography. Although you can't go back and physically re live those moments, looking at those photos causes you to have a full body reaction or feeling of what that moment was like. My childhood photos are my most important possession. I have said for years if there is ever a fire, that is the material item I will grab first.

We adopted our 4 year old kitty Elsa in November. I can't even explain the amount of happiness she has brought me. The simple way she loves me and I can show her that I love her back is beautiful. She knows what is like to have nothing, being a stray at what time, and now having everything her little heart is so grateful. I love how she follows me around the house and even today as I am sick and standing in the kitchen making chicken noodle soup, she walks around my feet before plopping down on the floor. I feel her silky tail around my legs saying your mine and I am yours and I love you just because. It is beautiful because that is how God's love is for us is too. We are his little fur babies and he loves us and see beauty in us even if our lives are messy. Even if we have or had nothing to start with, he fills us up and gives us everything we need. There is no greater beauty than in how God shows his love for us and I love that he gives us these little fur creatures or babies to show that love back to. Don't miss these moments this year. Slow down. Look for them, savor them and let them fill you. Make time and space to breath and be loved.

Happy 2017

xoxo Danielle

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